
Business Formation

Business Formation

We're in the business of helping you start your business

Over 1 million businesses have trusted us to help them get started.

Limited Liability Company

An easy, flexible, and popular way to set up your business.


Form an S Corp or C Corp quickly and easily.


Start a nonprofit to support a worthwhile cause.

Sole Proprietorship

Understand the pros and cons of being a sole proprietor, and some of the tools you may need.

Doing Business As

Bring your business to life with a DBA.

Employer Identification Number

The easy way to get your EIN.

Schedule a consultation

Members of our Business Advisory legal plan can set up attorney consultations to learn more about how to set up and run a business. Regular attorney consultations last 30 minutes and the annual legal checkup lasts 1 hour. Each legal matter must be unique. If you're not a member, sign up today.

Business types at a glance

View a detailed comparison of LLC and Corporation

Sole Proprietorship

Business licenses may be required (varies by city or county).
Filing with the state is required to form the business.
Can have more than one owner/partner/director.
Offers some protection of personal liability if the entity is sued.
Additional tax filings required (other than personal return).
Eligible for income tax exemptions and donor contributions may be tax deductible.


Business licenses may be required (varies by city or county).
Filing with the state is required to form the business.
Can have more than one owner/partner/director.
Offers some protection of personal liability if the entity is sued.
Additional tax filings required (other than personal return).
Eligible for income tax exemptions and donor contributions may be tax deductible.


Business licenses may be required (varies by city or county).
Filing with the state is required to form the business.
Can have more than one owner/partner/director.
Offers some protection of personal liability if the entity is sued.
Additional tax filings required (other than personal return).
Eligible for income tax exemptions and donor contributions may be tax deductible.


Business licenses may be required (varies by city or county).
Filing with the state is required to form the business.
Can have more than one owner/partner/director*.
Offers some protection of personal liability if the entity is sued.
Additional tax filings required (other than personal return).
Eligible for income tax exemptions and donor contributions may be tax deductible.

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