
Credit Repair Services


Having Great Credit Is More Important Than Ever. But Why Work With Us?

  • We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
  • We are a company with integrity.
  • We are very experienced with consumer, business and mortgage credit.
  • We will be intimately involved with your credit repair experience.
  • We will be there for you every step of the way.
  • Credit education and correction is legal and the law is on your side. We help and guide you from start to finish and we prepare all of the documentation for the various credit agencies.
  • Our fees are reasonable and there are NO long binding contracts. We help you to work with your files until it is done.

Services Include:



Personalized Dispute Options to Fit Your Exact Credit Repair Needs.




An Experienced Case Analyst and Case Advisor Working Personally With You throughout The Process




Custom Dispute Letters Submitted On Your Behalf.




Access to Your Case Status and Updated Information – 24 Hours A Day / 7 Days A Week.


​We Have An Excellent Track Record In Helping Client’s To Improve Their Credit Scores:

If you have a better credit score you could potentially have a better interest rate. Just an increase of 20 point in your credit score can mean a difference of tens of thousands of dollars in interest saved on an average priced home and hundreds of dollars of interest saved on car payments and credit cards. We have a proven track record of helping clients to raise credit scores quickly and effectively to give you better purchasing power.

​Average Client’s Credit Score Increase In 6 Months:

  • 60 points

Average Score Increase In 35 Days:

  • 10 points or more 93%
  • 20 points or more 71%
  • 50 points or more 25%
  • 100 points or more 15%

​Average Score Increase In 90 Days:

  • 10 points or more 97%
  • 20 points or more 82%
  • 50 points or more 40%
  • 100 points or more 25%

Our 100% Guarantee, Cancellation And Return Policy:

  •  You are entitled to a 100% refund on all payments and fees, if:
  • You do not remove more than 25% of all the negatives worked on.
  • You have had six months from the time you retain our services.
  • You have at least four negatives on the credit report at the time of sign-up.
  • You have not used a credit-consulting agency nor attempted to repair your credit two years previous to signing up for our services.
  • You agree to send updated reports from the three credit bureaus to us within 5 days of receipt.
  • You should receive updated credit reports every 15-45 days and make us aware if updated reports have not been received.
  • ​You may cancel services at any time. Please notify us in writing 7 days before the next billing period.


These People Had Amazing Results

“I am very happy with the results that your firm has provided for me. I am now able to get loans and credit cards that were impossible for me to get earlier without your help. I am now able to get low and reasonable financing terms because of my new credit. I have had a total of fifteen deletions and I thank you for helping me not have to wait seven years before I am able to start over again with my credit. Thank you.”​

Callum R.

“Because of the awesome work you guys did, I was able to get both myself and my wife new cars and our home and to think, a year or so ago, I couldn’t get anything almost new without unreal interest and all that. I have recommended your services to all of our friends and family and will continue to do so in the future. Now my wife is in the process of working with you to get her credit cleared up. I couldn’t be any happier”​

Dave I.

“I’m sure you hear this all the time but I couldn’t stop singing songs of praise to the staff at the McKenzie Adams. I got an updated copy of my Trans union Credit Report today and I was so happy I started jumping up and down in the driveway. They deleted six out of nine negative entries in less than two months now that’s what I call SERVICE. I can’t wait to see the negative entries fall off my other reports as well! Thanks!!!​

Callum R.

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